To pay your RVR Bank loan online, you may use one of the following options for your convenience:
Making Loan Payments from RVR Bank
To pay your loan with an account at RVR Bank, please sign up or login to NetFirst Internet Banking to make your loan payment instantly.
Making Loan Payments from another institution
To pay your loan with an account at other financial institution, using a bank’s routing number and account number, please login to NetFirst Internet Banking and create an external account from which you may pay your loan.
Making Loan Payments by credit card or debit card
To pay your loan with a credit card or a debit card, please click the Make a Loan Payment button below to make your payment.
Payments are accepted through our third-party provider LenderPay. If you use a credit card for payment, a 2.95% + $0.25 fee will be charged in order to complete the transaction. If you use a debit card for payment, a $5.95 fee will be charged to complete the transaction.
Not all applicants will qualify for instant approval. Applicants will be notified the next business day if they do not receive instant approval. Subject to review of additional documentation.